silver vs gold last seven year

forex special :-

A big question for the precious-metals investor is "Gold or silver... which do I choose?"

Our chart of the week might help you pick. It says: Long term, the returns are similar... but holding silver requires a bottle of Tums at your side.

This chart compares silver's performance (black line) versus the performance of gold (blue line) over the past seven years.

Up until a few months ago, silver and gold were both up 200% since 2003. Silver has enjoyed a surge since August to nudge higher in the race. But the major thing to take away is this: Silver goes through much bigger swings than gold. It suffered a 56% downswing in 2008, for instance.

So... the market's answer to the above question is, "Unless you have a strong stomach, keep most of your precious metals portfolio in gold."

– Brian Hunt

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